
DMart is becoming HurriaJ: A New Name, A New Vision

Dmart, one of the leading online retail e-commerce stores in South Africa, has announced that it will be rebranding itself as HurriaJ in the coming days. The name change is part of a strategic move to expand its market reach, diversify its product offerings, and enhance its customer experience.

Dmart was founded in 2020 as a digital-based store offering a diverse range of products for customers who were looking for a pleasant and efficient way of shopping online. Dmart prided itself on providing affordable prices, amazing customer service, and a satisfaction guarantee1. Over the years, Dmart has grown to become a trusted and popular online shopping destination for many South Africans, offering categories such as audio and video, baby and toddler, camping and outdoors, computers and smart devices, home and kitchen, office and stationery, scooters and rides, sport, toys, beauty and lifestyle, and health and self-care.

However, Dmart also realized that the online retail e-commerce industry is constantly evolving and changing, and that it needed to adapt and innovate to stay ahead of the competition and meet the changing needs and preferences of its customers. That is why Dmart decided to undergo a major rebranding process, which involved changing its name, logo, website design, and overall vision.

The new name, HurriaJ, is derived from the Arabic word “hurriya”, which means “freedom” or “liberty”. This reflects the company’s mission to empower its customers with the freedom to choose from a wide variety of products, the freedom to shop anytime and anywhere, and the freedom to enjoy a hassle-free and convenient online shopping experience. The new logo, which features a stylized letter “H” with a star in the middle, represents the company’s aspiration to be a shining star in the online retail e-commerce industry, as well as its commitment to excellence and quality. The new website design, which features a sleek and modern look, showcases the company’s new and improved product categories, such as fashion, electronics, books, games, music, movies, and more. The new website also offers a more user-friendly and responsive interface, as well as enhanced security and privacy features.

HurriaJ’s vision is to become the ultimate online shopping destination for South Africans, as well as for customers from other African countries and beyond. HurriaJ aims to offer a diverse and comprehensive range of products, from local and international brands, at competitive and affordable prices. HurriaJ also strives to provide exceptional customer service, fast and free delivery, self pick up options, and 100% secure payment methods. HurriaJ hopes to build a loyal and satisfied customer base, as well as a strong and positive reputation in the online retail e-commerce industry.

HurriaJ’s rebranding process will be completed in the coming days, and the company will officially launch its new name, logo, and website soon. HurriaJ invites its existing and potential customers to join them in this exciting and transformative journey, and to experience the new and improved online shopping experience that HurriaJ has to offer. HurriaJ also welcomes any feedback or suggestions from its customers, as it values their opinions and wants to serve them better.

HurriaJ is more than just a new name. It is a new vision. A vision of freedom, choice, convenience, and satisfaction. A vision of online shopping at its best. HurriaJ is here to make your online shopping dreams come true. HurriaJ is here to make you happy.


This rebranding was completed by Leo Stacks.

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